Joining the Dots

Issue 36



Issue 35


在最近的一次泰国总理General Prayut Chan-o-cha出席的泰国日本协会(TJA)上,日本商人认可泰国仍然是一个做生意的好地方。日本驻泰国大使Shigekazu Sato阁下,以及TJA和曼谷的日本商会成员出席了活动,总理于8月21日在曼谷杜斯特塔尼酒店会见了日本商人。


“JTEPA[日本 - 泰国经济伙伴关系协定]于2007年签署,与泰国和日本之间的建立外交关系120年纪念日同年,表明这两个国家是伟大的盟友,”他说。


据General Prayut Chan-o-cha称,政府正在努力通过支持投资和提供经营,激励所有外国投资促进经济,建立投资者和游客的信心。



“一些具有高潜力的泰国行业是农业,旅游,卫生,水疗中心,”他说。 “我们也希望推动研究和开发,我们希望其他国家看到泰国是东盟的一个重要的制造中心。”

General Prayut Chan-o-cha列出的其他项目,以推动经济,包括连通东盟和中国不同区域的高速列车,和单一窗口海关制度的实施。他还提到, Myanmar 与Dawei经济特区的第一阶段已经开始。
泰日协会会长Kalin Sarasin欢迎总理时说, “TJA希望通过我们的项目加强泰国和日本之间的友谊”。

Sirinuch Borsub撰稿



Tags: TJA | JCC | 投资 | BOI

Issue 33


 “我们的使命是促进利益以及向挪威的个人及企业提供援助,并且加强两国间政府机构,组织,公司以及任命之间的关系。”挪威驻泰国大使Kjetil Paulsen这样说到。



泰国挪威商会的主席Vibeke Lyssand Leirvag提到,制造业劳动技能是另一个领域,其中泰国的劳动力可以证明挪威公司的吸引力。

许多挪威公司都因为泰国劳动力的一致性以及质量而选择在泰国投资,他说道,其中一个例子就是一家位于Laem Chabang, Aibel的挪威公司,是石油,天然气以及可再生能源行业的领头羊。公司对劳工质量留下了很深的印象,现在在泰国希望寻求更多的项目。



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Manisa Phromsiripranee供稿



Issue 34


“泰国香米以其柔软的质感和独特的香味而在国内外闻名;现在,它的营养特性使得泰国大米更有吸引力。”泰国大米生产厂家之一的执行董事Songphon Pholsane说道。

“我们是第三代,生产和销售泰国大米是我们的祖先传下来的,”Pholsane说。 “我们曾经遇到很多农民并注意到他们的水稻的不同质量。当我们发现一个研究指出有机大米的营养特性之后,我们把更多的精力放在了这上面。“



Uthaithani Granary董事总经理Phatcharaporn Taokaew 说“Sinlek大米, Hom Mali Daengrice(红褐色茉莉花)大米和浆果大米是我们的在乌泰他尼省主要种植的水稻”。 “我们检验了我们的大米并拿到了农业部,农业部合作社大米部以及Kasetsart大学部的认证。”他认为,生产高品质,有机大米的关键是增加农民的收入。



“我认为在我们进入国际市场之前,我们应该告诉泰国人民Sinlek大米,浆果大米和Hom Mali Daengrice大米于他们的健康是多么的有益。然后我们应该推动进一步的研究,以提高我们产品的标准,以此加强我们在国际市场上的竞争。”他说。

由Natthinee Ratanaprasidhi供稿


Issue 32

Rice is much more than a basic food staple in Thailand, the cereal also has major health benefits as well as providing access to foreign markets for local producers.

“Eat germinated brown rice as medicine, eat fish and vegetables as main staples and eat little else,” goes an old saying in Isaan. The method of germinating brown rice or khao hang ngok has been common knowledge in northeastern region of Thailand for over a hundred years and passed on through generations of local farmers. To back up this ancient wisdom, scientists have confirmed that germinated brown rice is highly beneficial for the body.

According to the Institute of Food Research and Product Development at Kasetsart University, germinated or sprouted brown rice has been found to contain higher levels of Vitamin E, B6 and B12, lysine and magnesium compared to unprocessed brown rice. Most importantly, by allowing the brown rice to germinate, the level of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is 15 times higher than in regular brown rice. Research has found that GABA helps to balance brain functions, relieve stress and anxiety, and may help prevent Alzheimer’s.

Khao Hang Baan Nong Bua Sang Group is a community enterprise that grows and germinates brown rice in northeastern Sakon Nakon province.

“I’ve lived and worked here [in the rice fields] since I was born,” says its head Nupen Nakowong. “Germinated brown rice started to became well-known about twenty years ago, and the community has been studying how to produce germinated brown rice even before we formed the community enterprise in 2007.”

Currently the group consists of 50 farmers. They help each other make a living by rotating rice planting to allow them grow rice in different seasons. Then they send the rice paddy to be germinated at the community enterprise centre.

Nakowong explains the process for rice germination: wash and soak the paddy for 48 hours, changing the water every six hours; steam the paddy until cooked; sun-dry for a day; mill the rice, placing under the sun for another day until the rice is completely dry; and hand-sort the rice to select only unbroken grains before vacuum-packing the rice for sale.

“Last year, students from Kasetsart University, Sakon Nakon campus came to stay with us for four months, learning the rice germinating process and in return [they] improved the packaging for the rice products,” says Nakowong.

The university students also helped establish the Germinated Brown Rice Learning Centre, and held activities for local students and other community enterprises who visited the centre. Since then, the group has received visitors eager to learn about the germination process at their community enterprise. Potential rice buyers from Thailand and overseas, such as Japan, have also visited Nakowong’s community enterprise to experience the rice germinating process and learn about the local way of life.

“Our rice is grown chemical-free and is GAP [Good Agricultural Practices]-certified,” says Nakowong, “We’re also sending rice samples to be tested in labs so they can be certified for organic rice, so we can export to countries like Japan.”

Words by Sirinuch Borsub