Issue06 : 23 June 2014

M. Peter Cauwelier, the president of Franco-Thai Chamber of Com-merceM. Peter Cauwelier, the president of Franco-Thai Chamber of Commerce

The President of the Franco–Thai Chamber of Commerce (FTCC) talks to Horizon Thailand about the strength of the relations between the two countries.

How long have you been President of the FTCC?
I have been working in Thailand since 1991, initially with Dextra Group and then with Essilor in Thailand. Two years ago I started my own company where I focus on helping teams to work more effectively together. I joined the FTCC as a Counsellor in 2011 and became its President in 2013, so I am currently in my second year as President.

What benefits does the FTCC offer its members?
The FTCC helps members develop their network thanks to direct access to 300 member companies and its database of 2,700 relevant contacts, through one on one meeting, its business directory, a new dedicated mobile phone application and over 50 events organised every year.

How does the FTCC promote trade between France and Thailand?
The FTCC goes regularly to France with its partners such as the Board of Investment of Thailand or the Chambers of Commerce in France to promote Thailand as a key destination for exports, sourcing and investments though seminars and over 100 individual B-to-B meetings with French companies.

How many French companies are there in Thailand?
Today, more than 300 French companies are located in Thailand, with more than 60 subsidiaries of major French groups and more than 200 SMEs and entrepreneurs. These companies employ nearly 70,000 employees and the French companies are in various fields such as industry, construction, energy, services and consumer goods.


What type of events do you organise to facilitate exchanges?
The FTCC organises more than 50 events every year. Its monthly events include breakfast seminars on a large variety of topics ranging from HR to legal and marketing or trade issues. The Chamber also organises sports tournaments and major event such as its much acclaimed prestigious Gala Dinner, the Working Together Forum allowing SMEs and large corporation to develop commercial opportunities together and the Bonjour French Fair allowing over 35,000 Thai visitors every year to sample and purchase French culinary or luxury consumer good products with over 90 booths at the Queen Sirikit National Convention Centre.

How do you see the relationship between the two countries developing?
French firms are active in current and future infrastructure projects, and Thai companies are investing in France to increase their activities in Europe, just to mention two examples. The FTCC is working closely with Thai institutions, such as the Board of Trade or Federation of Thai Industries, as well as with French institutions both in Thailand and France, to bring the long-standing business relationships to a new level.

What are the FTCC’s main activities slated for this year?
For 2014, the Chamber will have a particular focus on its Thai Members and on SMEs with a series of dedicated actions. It will launch workshops for entrepreneurs and has formed an entrepreneur mentoring committee whose aim is to allow new entrepreneurs to benefit from the support and advice of those who already have a flourishing business in Thailand. The FTCC also extends its now well established Working Together Forum, targeting B-to-B matching between SMEs and large corporations. Last but not least, in partnership with other foreign chambers in Bangkok, the Chamber will this year propose to the French Business Community events outside of Bangkok, on the Eastern Seaboard, Chiang Mai and Phuket.

To contact the FTCC, please visit